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If you would like to look round our school, please contact the office on 01653 618301.



Thank you for your interest in Welburn Community Primary School. We trust our website will provide some answers to the questions you have about Welburn School.  If you would like to know more, or see the school at work, then you will always be welcome and we will be delighted to show you around.

We always try and provide a safe environment where young children can learn and play and become good citizens for the future.


Following the initial consultation meeting on 7th February, we're pleased to announce that the Academy Order has been issued.

We're now entering the formal consultation period and there will be a meeting at 5.30pm on Wednesday 15th May for parents and carers. 

The consultation period will end at midnight on Friday 24th May 2024

Alternatively, you may wish to send in any questions to



At Welburn we follow the Admissions Policy agreed with North Yorkshire Education Authority. Please view and check out the catchment areas.

Twitter Feed

Key Dates for Diaries

16th - 19th April - York Residential (Sycamore)

24th April - Football Malton (Oak)

30th April - National Child Measurement Programme (Reception/Y6)

1st May - Assembly with Reverend Douglas

1st May - Rounders and Cross Country Malton Sycamore/Beech)

22nd May - Cricket/Rounders Malton (Beech)

23rd May - Intra School Cricket Tournament

24th May - Monk Park Farm (Oak)

27th - 31st May - Half Term

4th June - Class Photos

w/b 17th June - Community Week

18th June - Organ Workshop (Sycamore/Beech)

18th and 19th June - Taster Days Malton (Y6)

25th June - Malton Taster Day (Y5)

26th June - Transition morning

26th June - Multi Sports Malton (Oak)

w/b 1st July - Sports Week

2nd July - Transition morning (and lunch)

3rd July - Sports Day

9th July - Crucial Crew (Sycamore)

10th July - Robin Hoods Bay (Beech)

18th July - Leavers Assembly and Dalby Forest Trip

Ta Dah List

We have planted a large wildflower meadow to commemorate King Charles’ Coronation.

We enjoyed taking part in Welburn’s coronation celebrations.

Our pupils have continued to achieve well- significantly out performing both local and national results.

Staff and governors drafted a new School Development Plan.

We continued to enjoy lots of sporting events including rounders tournaments, a multi sport afternoon and our own Sports Day.

Our pupils worked extremely hard to organize and run their Summer Fete in July.

We have launched our After School Club to provide wrap around care from 7.30 am until 6pm.

We have hosted two more guest lunches for our families.

The whole school enjoyed a fun-filled day in Dalby Forest.